At MedMark Allied, we pride ourselves in enhancing the quality of patients’ health through our exceptional services and education. We market innovative affordable new science products and tests to physicians. MedMark Allied is a preferred partner in specialty pharmaceutical & medical sales.

We assist medical spas and clinics by providing support for services like Hormone Replacement Therapy, Peptide Therapy, and Weight Loss Programs. Additionally, we facilitate connections with pharmacies capable of meeting their need.

 Our goal is to help physicians improve overall patient health and quality of care.

Sudopath Testing

The Sudopath machine is used to test the galvanic skin response for evaluating the sympathetic nervous system and sudomotor function.  It is a noninvaive tool for detecting diabetic small fiber neuropathy and autonomic dysfunction [read more]

Autonomic Nervous System Testing (ANS)

Certain systems in our bodies respond to electrical stimulation. Using our ANS diagnostic test, we are able to evaluate how well these systems are functioning. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) [read more]

Topical Transdermal Pain Creams

We work with a large compounding pharmacy which has positioned themselves to be a trustworthy partner in patient care with over a decade of excellence in customer service.  They offer topical pain medications, topical anti-fungal medication [read more]

Urine Toxicology

Our toxicology laboratory analyzes urine specimens for substances of abuse, they are CLIA and COLA certified.  They utilize state-of-the-art technology while having an extremely skilled staff, which ensures accurate analysis.  We also offer a unique [read more]

New Day In Health

Whats New

Updates on the latest in the the Healthcare Industry

DNA Testing At A Glance

Our pharmacogenomic testing platform, offers clinical and specific solutions to optimize drug therapy for:   Orthopedics   ADHD   Cardiovascular   Psychological Drugs   Pain Management

About Medmark

At MedMark Allied, we pride ourselves in enhancing the quality of patients’ health through our exceptional services and education. We market innovative affordable new science products and tests to physicians. MedMark Allied is a preferred partner in specialty pharmaceutical & medical sales.

Our goal is to help physicians improve overall patient health and quality of care.


 4100 Spring Valley Rd Ste 659

Dallas, TX 75244



(469) 364-4311


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